Daftar Harga Laptop Lenovo Paling Terbaru dan Terupdate 2018 - Harga laptop Lenovo murah Core i3 i5 i7. Lenovo Thinkpad IdeaPad Yoga VGA Nvidia serta AMD. Arena Laptop, Laptop dengan brand Lenovo yaitu satu diantara brand yang paling kreatif yang saya kenali. Hal tersebut bisa diliat dari beberapa produk laptop Lenovo yang senantiasa memberi feature serta warna yang berlainan di deretan bursa laptop dunia. Laptop Lenovo senantiasa ada dengan desain yang berlainan dengan yang lain. Dalam soal feature juga sama, Lenovo senantiasa mendatangkan bebrapa feature baru yang nanti juga akan jadi keunikan pada laptop ini. Walau demikian bukan hanya inovasi-inovasinya yang baru, laptop Lenovo juga memberi harga yang tidaklah terlalu tinggi, atau bahkan juga jadi relatif lebih murah dari yang lain.
Umumnya atau biasanya laptop Lenovo memberi desain yang menawant serta slim. Bisa Anda saksikan pada gambar di atas. Saya sendiri begitu suka pada desain-desain pada laptop Lenovo. Dengan ukuran sekitaran 33. 6 x 24. 1 x 2. 1 laptop ini rata-rata mempunyai berat sekitaran 2. 1 Kg. Dibalut dengan warna hitam keseluruhan dan dihiasi dengan style struktur keunikan dari laptop ini. Begitu pas untuk Anda yang inginkan laptop dengan desain premium. Apabila Anda sukai dengan kesibukan di luar, jadi laptop dengan brand ini dapat juga jadi jalan keluar untuk Anda. Karna dengan bobotnya yang tidaklah terlalu berat itu, laptop ini juga akan begitu nyaman Anda bawa kemana Anda pergi.
Dari desain yang saya paparkan di atas, pasti dapat diliat market share Lenovo. Ya, umumnya pemakai laptop Lenovo adalah pria atau wanita yang berumur remaja hingga dewasa. Mungkin saja karna aspek style, mereka lebih pilih laptop ini untuk pekerjaan komputasi keseharian. Memanglah laptop ini sangat bagus untuk hal perform. Laptop Lenovo berikan beberapa macam type processor yang ia tanamkan pada laptopnya.
Ada processor AMD yang kemampuannya begitu bagus tapi agak sedikit panas, atau processor Intel yang paling banyak digunakan pada laptop di Indonesia. Processor Intel pada laptop Lenovo juga beberapa macam, ada yang mempunyai processor Core i3, Core i5, maupun Core i7. Demikian halnya dengan ukuran memori atau RAM. Laptop Lenovo memberi beberapa macam ukuran memori, yang paling banyak sekarang ini yaitu memori dengan ukuran 4GB DDR3. Karna hal itu juga menyeimbangi processor yang ada pada laptop itu.
Anda tertarik beli laptop dari brand Lenovo? Bila Anda tertarik untuk beli laptop dari brand ini, jadi Anda tidak salah halaman. Berikut ini saya beri info mengenai daftar harga laptop Lenovo paling baru bersama spesifikasi komplit. Yang dapat jadikan rujukan untuk Anda yang juga akan beli laptop. Anjuran saya sebelumnya beli, cermatilah tabel spesifikasi dengan baik-baik. Cocokkan dengan keperluan Anda sesungguhnya untuk apa. Terkecuali memerhatikan spesifikasi, harga juga aspek paling perlu.
Cocokkan juga harga dengan kedalaman kantong Anda. Semakin lebih baik bila Anda beli laptop sesuai sama jumlah Anda sendiri. Setelah Anda mengambil keputusan untuk beli laptop Lenovo, cermat dulu product Anda sebelumnya meninggalkan toko. Beberapa hal kecil seperti keyboard serta DVD butuh Anda check. Saya sempat alami hal tidak mengasyikkan, yakni sesudah keluar dari toko tuts keyboard saya ada yang terlepas. Memanglah saya kurang cermat pada saat itu.
Harga laptop Lenovo pada bln. Maret ini cukup lah bermacam. Ada yang paling murah yakni kisaran 2 Juta-an hingga kisaran 7 Juta-an. Memanglah harga laptop Lenovo sebagian agak sedikit mahal, harga laptop Lenovo Thinkpad umpamanya. Makin mahal harga laptop itu, semestinya memanglah makin bagus juga laptop itu. Harga laptop dari bln. ke bln. umumnya tidak jauh berlainan. Karna apabila ada laptop yang belum juga laris bln. ini pasti juga akan di jual bln. depannya, demikian selanjutnya. Lalu harga juga di pengaruhi oleh pertukaran nilai mata uang rupiah pada dollar Amerika. Jadi tersebut disini tabel infonya.
Umumnya atau biasanya laptop Lenovo memberi desain yang menawant serta slim. Bisa Anda saksikan pada gambar di atas. Saya sendiri begitu suka pada desain-desain pada laptop Lenovo. Dengan ukuran sekitaran 33. 6 x 24. 1 x 2. 1 laptop ini rata-rata mempunyai berat sekitaran 2. 1 Kg. Dibalut dengan warna hitam keseluruhan dan dihiasi dengan style struktur keunikan dari laptop ini. Begitu pas untuk Anda yang inginkan laptop dengan desain premium. Apabila Anda sukai dengan kesibukan di luar, jadi laptop dengan brand ini dapat juga jadi jalan keluar untuk Anda. Karna dengan bobotnya yang tidaklah terlalu berat itu, laptop ini juga akan begitu nyaman Anda bawa kemana Anda pergi.
Dari desain yang saya paparkan di atas, pasti dapat diliat market share Lenovo. Ya, umumnya pemakai laptop Lenovo adalah pria atau wanita yang berumur remaja hingga dewasa. Mungkin saja karna aspek style, mereka lebih pilih laptop ini untuk pekerjaan komputasi keseharian. Memanglah laptop ini sangat bagus untuk hal perform. Laptop Lenovo berikan beberapa macam type processor yang ia tanamkan pada laptopnya.
Ada processor AMD yang kemampuannya begitu bagus tapi agak sedikit panas, atau processor Intel yang paling banyak digunakan pada laptop di Indonesia. Processor Intel pada laptop Lenovo juga beberapa macam, ada yang mempunyai processor Core i3, Core i5, maupun Core i7. Demikian halnya dengan ukuran memori atau RAM. Laptop Lenovo memberi beberapa macam ukuran memori, yang paling banyak sekarang ini yaitu memori dengan ukuran 4GB DDR3. Karna hal itu juga menyeimbangi processor yang ada pada laptop itu.
Anda tertarik beli laptop dari brand Lenovo? Bila Anda tertarik untuk beli laptop dari brand ini, jadi Anda tidak salah halaman. Berikut ini saya beri info mengenai daftar harga laptop Lenovo paling baru bersama spesifikasi komplit. Yang dapat jadikan rujukan untuk Anda yang juga akan beli laptop. Anjuran saya sebelumnya beli, cermatilah tabel spesifikasi dengan baik-baik. Cocokkan dengan keperluan Anda sesungguhnya untuk apa. Terkecuali memerhatikan spesifikasi, harga juga aspek paling perlu.
Cocokkan juga harga dengan kedalaman kantong Anda. Semakin lebih baik bila Anda beli laptop sesuai sama jumlah Anda sendiri. Setelah Anda mengambil keputusan untuk beli laptop Lenovo, cermat dulu product Anda sebelumnya meninggalkan toko. Beberapa hal kecil seperti keyboard serta DVD butuh Anda check. Saya sempat alami hal tidak mengasyikkan, yakni sesudah keluar dari toko tuts keyboard saya ada yang terlepas. Memanglah saya kurang cermat pada saat itu.
Harga laptop Lenovo pada bln. Maret ini cukup lah bermacam. Ada yang paling murah yakni kisaran 2 Juta-an hingga kisaran 7 Juta-an. Memanglah harga laptop Lenovo sebagian agak sedikit mahal, harga laptop Lenovo Thinkpad umpamanya. Makin mahal harga laptop itu, semestinya memanglah makin bagus juga laptop itu. Harga laptop dari bln. ke bln. umumnya tidak jauh berlainan. Karna apabila ada laptop yang belum juga laris bln. ini pasti juga akan di jual bln. depannya, demikian selanjutnya. Lalu harga juga di pengaruhi oleh pertukaran nilai mata uang rupiah pada dollar Amerika. Jadi tersebut disini tabel infonya.
Harga Laptop Lenovo AMD Notebook | ||
Lenovo Ideapad 500-14ACZ | AMD Carrizo FX-8800P Processor, 4GB DDR3L 1600 MHz, 1TB, VGA AMD EXO PRO R5 M330 DDR3L 2G, Dvdrw, 14″ FHD, Windows 10 Home | Rp 6,980,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 29ID | AMD E1 6010 , Wifi, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,280,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 2BID | AMD E1 6010 , Wifi, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, Win 8.1 | Rp 3,380,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 BJID | AMD E1 6010 , Wifi, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, Win 10 | Rp 2,980,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 E1 | AMD E1 6010, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Radeon™ R2 Graphics, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,365,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 4ID | AMD A4 6210 2.3 Ghz, Wifi, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,185,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 1DID | AMD A6 6310 2.4 Ghz, Wifi, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,530,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 68ID | AMD A6 6310 2.4 Ghz, Wifi, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, Win 8.1 | Rp 3,800,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 75ID | AMD A6 6310 2.4 Ghz, Wifi, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, AMD Radeon R5 M330 2GB, DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,735,000 |
Lenovo G40-45 0E1 | AMD A8 6410 2.4 Ghz, Wifi, DDR3 2 GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, AMD Radeon™ R5 M230 DDR3L 2G. DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, Win 10 | Rp 4,699,000 |
Lenovo G41-35 3XID | AMD A6 7310, Wifi, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500 GB Sata, AMD UMA Graphic. DVD-RW, Bluetooth, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,420,000 |
Lenovo G41-35 35ID | AMD A8 7410, Wifi, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500 GB Sata, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2G. DVD-RW, Bluetooth, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 4,440,000 |
Lenovo G41-35 33ID | AMD A8 7410, Wifi, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500 GB Sata, AMD UMA Graphic. DVD-RW, Bluetooth, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,900,000 |
Lenovo B41-35 0KID | AMD A8 7410, Wifi, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500 GB Sata, AMD UMA Graphic. DVD-RW, Bluetooth, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,860,000 |
Lenovo B41-35 28ID | AMD A8 7410, Wifi, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500 GB Sata, AMD R5 Graphic, DVD-RW, Bluetooth, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 3,780,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 110-05ID | AMD A9 9400, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 Graphics, DVD-RW, Bluetooth, Camera, LCD 14, DOS | Rp 3,885,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 110-2UID | AMD A9 9400, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 Graphics, DVD-RW, Bluetooth, Camera, LCD 15.6, DOS | Rp 4,950,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 310-4EID | AMD A12 9700P, 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD R8 M435 DX 2GB, DVD-RW, Bluetooth, Camera, LCD 15.6, DOS | Rp 6,920,000 |
Lenovo B40-45-2848 | AMD A8 6410 , Wifi, DDR3 2GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Card Reader, AMD R4 Graphics, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 4,200,000 |
Lenovo B40-45-9756 | AMD A6 6310 1.8Ghz , Wifi, DDR3 4GB, HDD 500 GB Sata, DVD-RW, Card Reader, AMD R4 Graphics, Camera, LCD 14.1, Win 8.1 | Rp 4,490,000 |
Lenovo Z40-75 PID | AMD A10 7300 1.9 Ghz, Wifi, DDR3 4 GB, HDD 1TB Sata, AMD Radeon™ R7 M255 DDR3L 2G. DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1, DOS | Rp 5,600,000 |
Lenovo Z40-75 80DW | AMD A10 7300 1.9 Ghz, Wifi, DDR3 8 GB, HDD 1TB Sata, AMD Radeon™ R6 M255 DDR3L 2G. DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1 Full HD, Windows 8.1 | Rp 6,888,000 |
Lenovo Z40-75 36ID | AMD A10 7300 1.9 Ghz, Wifi, DDR3 4 GB, HDD 1TB Sata, AMD Radeon™ R6 M255 DX 2G. DVD-RW, Card Reader, Camera, LCD 14.1 FHD, DOS | Rp 5,710,000 |
Lenovo Z50-75-C3ID | AMD FX7500, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, Radeon R7 M260X 2GB, Camera, 15.6″, DOS | Rp 5,960,000 |
Lenovo Z50-75-N4US | AMD FX7500, 8GB, 1TB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, Radeon R7 M260X 2GB, Camera, 15.6″, Win 10 | Rp 6,400,000 |
Lenovo Edge E455-HIA | AMD A10 7300 1.9Ghz, 14.1″ WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, AMD Radeon™ R7 M260DX 2GB, DVDRW, Wifi, DOS | Rp 6,300,000 |
Lenovo Edge E465-HIA | AMD A10-8700P 1.8Ghz, 14.1″ FHD, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, AMD Radeon™ R6 M340DX 2G, No DVDRW, Wifi, DOS | Rp 6,800,000 |
Harga Laptop Lenovo Intel Atom, Celeron, Pentium Notebook | ||
Lenovo MIIX 3 4ID | Intel Atom Z3735F ( 1.83 Ghz), 2GB RAM, 64GB EMMC, 10.1″ FHD IPS ,WIFI , Wide LED, Include Docking Keyboard , Windows 8.1 | Rp 3,300,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-11 05ID/06ID | Intel N3050, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 11″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 2,670,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-11 36ID/37ID/38ID | Intel N3050, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 11″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 2,930,000 |
Lenovo IP310S-11IAP 1GID/1HID | Intel N3350, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, 11.6″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,010,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-14 49ID | Intel N3050, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 2,935,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-14 4BID/4AID | Intel N3050, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB + 8GB SSD, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 2,960,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-14 7CID | Intel N3060, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB + 8GB SSD, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 2,935,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-14 69ID/68ID/67ID | Intel N3150, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,135,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-14 3UID/3EID/3CID | Intel N3150, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 3,385,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-14 85ID | Intel N3160, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 3,380,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-14 8MID | Intel N3160, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB + SSHD 8GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,150,000 |
Lenovo IP110-14IBR – 36LMJ Win 10 | Intel N3060, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, DVDRW, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 3,690,000 |
Lenovo IP110-14 53ID | Intel N3160, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, DVDRW, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,190,000 |
Lenovo IP110-14 6EID/6UID | Intel N3160, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, DVDRW, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 3,690,000 |
Lenovo IP110-14 6KID | Intel N3160, RAM 2GB, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 3,640,000 |
Lenovo IP110-14 72ID | Intel N3160, RAM 2GB, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,390,000 |
Lenovo IP110-14 7QID | Intel N3160, RAM 2GB, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,390,000 |
Lenovo YOGA 300 TID/SID (Touch Screen) | Intel N2840, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 11.6″ Wide LED, WIN 8.1 | Rp 4,240,000 |
Lenovo YOGA 300 JID/TID (Touch Screen) | Intel N3050, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 11.6″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 4,350,000 |
Lenovo IdeaPad 100-14IBY | Intel N2840, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 8 | Rp 2,880,000 |
Lenovo IdeaPad 100-15IBY | Intel N2840, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 15.6″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,180,000 |
Lenovo IdeaPad 100-15IBY | Intel N2840, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 15.6″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 3,480,000 |
Lenovo Flex 10-5092 | Intel N2805 1.46Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, 10.1″ HD LED Touch Screen, Wifi, Win 8 1 | Rp 3,925,000 |
Lenovo G40-30 F8ID | Intel Celeron N2840, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, VGA Integrated, Camera, 14″ WXGA, Win 8.1 | Rp 3,430,000 |
Lenovo G40-30 6LID | Intel Celeron N2840, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, VGA Integrated, Camera, 14″ WXGA, Win 8.1 | Rp 2,930,000 |
Lenovo G40-30 6FID | Intel Celeron N2840, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, VGA Integrated, Camera, 14″ WXGA, Dos | Rp 3,110,000 |
Lenovo G40-30 9QID | Intel Celeron N3450, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, VGA Integrated, Camera, 14″ WXGA, Win 8.1 | Rp 3,780,000 |
Lenovo B40-30-9621 | Intel Celeron N3540, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA Intel HD, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 8.1 | Rp 3,770,000 |
Lenovo B40-30-0545 | Intel Celeron N2830, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA Intel HD, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 8.1 | Rp 3,399,000 |
Lenovo B40-30-4469 | Intel Celeron N2840, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA Intel HD, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,130,000 |
Lenovo B40-30-6824 | Intel Celeron N2840, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA Intel HD, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 8.1 | Rp 3,410,000 |
Lenovo B41-30-78ID | Intel Celeron N3050, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA Intel HD, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,200,000 |
Lenovo V110-2LID | Intel Celeron N3350, RAM 2GB, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,390,000 |
Lenovo V110-2CID | Intel Celeron N3350, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 3,290,000 |
Harga Laptop Lenovo Intel Core i3 Notebook | ||
Lenovo IP305-5XID/5WID | Intel Core i3-5005, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, AMD R5 M330 2GB, Screen 14.1″ Wide LED, Win 10 Home | Rp 5,350,000 |
Lenovo IP110-14 44ID | Intel Core i3-6006U, RAM 4GB, 1TB HDD, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD Graphics, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 4,850,000 |
Lenovo IP110-14 46ID | Intel Core i3 6006U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″ HD, AMD R5 M430 2GB, DVDRW, DOS | Rp 5,585,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 100-14IBD (DOS) | Intel Core i3 5005U-2.0GHz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 4,295,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 100-14IBD-0LID | Intel Core i3 5005U-2.0GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Dos | Rp 4,395,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 110-AID | Intel Core i3 6100U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 4,850,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 110-1CID | Intel Core i3 6100U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 5,350,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 100-GID | Intel Core i3 5005U-2.0GHz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Windows 10 | Rp 4,500,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 100-0JID | Intel Core i3 5005U-2.0GHz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Nvidia GT920 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 4,690,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 100-14IBD | Intel Core i3 5005U-2.0GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, Nvidia GT920 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Windows 10 | Rp 5,430,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 100-15IBD | Intel Core I3 5005U, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphics, 15.6″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 4,350,000 |
Lenovo Flex 14-0835 | Core i3 4010U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, 14″ WXGA Touch Screen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 | Rp 6,800,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 500-14IBD | Core i3 5020U, 14″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, Nvidia Geforce 2GB, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 10 | Rp 6,510,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 13 – 6445/6446 | Intel Core i3 3229Y 1.4Ghz, 11.6″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8 | Rp 9,750,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 11 – 6445/6446 | Intel Core i3 3229Y 1.4Ghz, 11.6″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8 | Rp 10,100,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 6AID | Intel Core i3-4005U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, VGA INTEL HD, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 4,550,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 2LID | Intel Core i3-4030U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, VGA INTEL HD, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 4,400,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 LID/TID | Intel Core i3-4030U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, VGA INTEL HD, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 4,400,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 BID/CID | Intel Core i3-5005U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, VGA INTEL HD, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 4,540,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 XAID | Intel Core i3-5005U, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, AMD R5 M330 2GB, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 5,200,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 2EID/45ID | Intel Core i3-4030U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, AMD R5 M330 2GB, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 5,300,000 |
Lenovo G40-70-2217/2218 | Core i3 4030U 1.9Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, Intel HD, Camera, DOS | Rp 4,090,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-FID | Core i3 4005U 1.7Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, Intel HD Graphic, Camera, Win 8 | Rp 4,800,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-PID | Core i3 4030U 1.9Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, AMD R5 M230 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 4,900,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-CNID | Core i3 5005U, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD Graphic, Camera, Fingerprint, 14” WXGA, Win 10 | Rp 5,000,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-CWID | Core i3 5005U, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD Graphic, Camera, Fingerprint, 14” WXGA, DOS | Rp 4,390,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-CQID | Core i3 5005U, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD R5 M330 2GB, Camera, Fingerprint, 14” WXGA, DOS | Rp 5,650,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-YID | Core i3 5005, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, AMD R5 M230 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 4,800,000 |
Lenovo E40-80-GID | Core i3 5010U 2.1Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M330 DDR3L 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 5,225,000 |
Lenovo E40-80-GID | Core i3 5010U 2.1Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M330 DDR3L 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 5,550,000 |
Lenovo Z40-70-6180 | Core i3 4030U 1.9Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, Nvidia GT820 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 5,740,000 |
Lenovo Z40-70-2824 | Core i3 4030U 1.9Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, Nvidia GT840 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 5,940,000 |
Lenovo K2450 3623 | Core i3 4030U 2.5Ghz, 12.5″ WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No DVDRW, Intel HD 4400, Wifi, Camera, DOS | Rp 7,120,000 |
Lenovo K2450 9755 | Core i3 4030U 2.5Ghz, 12.5″ WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No DVDRW, Intel HD 4400, Wifi, Camera, DOS | Rp 6,650,000 |
Lenovo V310-2RID/2SID | Intel Core i3-6006U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphic, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 5,050,000 |
Lenovo V310-E6ID | Intel Core i3-6006U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphic, Camera, 14″ HD, Win 10 | Rp 6,200,000 |
Lenovo V310-3TID | Intel Core i3-6006U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 430M 2GB, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 5,350,000 |
Lenovo V310-0FID | Intel Core i3-6100U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 4,750,000 |
Lenovo V310-0HID | Intel Core i3-6100U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphic, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, Win 10 | Rp 5,320,000 |
Lenovo V310-0EID | Intel Core i3-6100U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2GB, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 5,350,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad E31-DID | Intel Core i3-5005U, 4GB DDR3L, HDD 500GB, Intel HD Graphics 5500, No Optical Drive, 13.3 ” HD Led, Dos | Rp 5,999,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad E31-AID | Intel Core i3-5010U, 4GB PC3-12800 DDR3L, HDD 500GB 5400RPM, Intel HD 4600 Graphics, No Optical Drive, 13.3 ” Led, Dos | Rp 6,410,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-YIA | Intel Core i3 4005 1.7Ghz, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, VGA Intel HD4600, BT, DOS | Rp 6,400,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-LIA | Intel Core i3-5005U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, No DVD, 14″, Intel HD5500, BT, DOS | Rp 6,810,000 |
Lenovo Edge E460-8IA | Intel Core i3-6100U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, No DVD, 14″, Intel HD5500, BT, DOS | Rp 6,710,000 |
Harga Laptop Lenovo Intel Core i5 Notebook | ||
Lenovo Miix 720-5ViD | Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, SSD 256GB, 12″ QHD, Intel HD Graphics, Win 10 Pro | Rp 17,000,000 |
Lenovo MIIX 2 9813 | Core i5 4202Y, 4GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Intel HD Graphic, 11.6″ FD Touch Screen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8.1 EM | Rp 7,270,000 |
Lenovo IP100-3CID | Intel Core i5 5200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, Intel HD Graphic, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 5,600,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 110-14ISK | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5-M430, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 5,550,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-8FID/8GID | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, DVDRW, AMD R5 M330 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 6,600,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-CWID/CXID | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, DVDRW, AMD R5 M330 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 7,170,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 300-14ISK i5 6200 4GB DDR3 | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB DDR3, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, AMD R5 M330 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 6,430,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 310-14ISK i5 6200 4GB DDR4 | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, NVIDIA® GeForce GT920MX, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 6,250,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 310-14IKB – 37MJ/36MJ i5 7200, 4GB DDR4 | Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, NVIDIA® GeForce GT920MX, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 6,960,000 |
Lenovo IP500S-5PID/5QID | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, AMD 7690M 2GB, Screen 14″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 8,710,000 |
Lenovo IP500S-HFID | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, AMD 7690M 2GB, Screen 15.6″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 9,300,000 |
Lenovo IP500S-5XID/60ID/61ID | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, Nvidia Geforce GT940 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 8,280,000 |
Lenovo IP310-0UID/0VID/0XID | Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 500B, nVidia GeForce GT920MX 2GB, Screen 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 6,750,000 |
Lenovo IP310-3SID/3UID/3VID | Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia GeForce GT920MX 2GB, Screen 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 6,610,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 310-3WID | Intel Core i5-7200U, 4GB DDR4, 1TB, DVDRW, nVidia GeForce 920A 2 GB, WiFi, Bluetooth, Webcam, 14.0-inch HD, Windows 10 Home | Rp 7,930,000 |
Lenovo IP310-0YID/11ID/12ID | Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 500B, NVidia GeForce GT920A 2GB, Screen 14″ HD, Win 10 | Rp 7,225,000 |
Lenovo IP310-3YID | Intel Core i5 7200, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, NVidia GeForce GT920A 2GB, Screen 14″ HD, Win 10 | Rp 7,670,000 |
Lenovo IP510S-4AID/4BID | Intel Core i5-7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R7 M460 DDR3 2G, 14″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 8,875,000 |
Lenovo IP510S-5VID/5XID/5WID | Intel Core i5 6200, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R7 M460 DDR3 2G, Screen 14″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 8,585,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad HELIX-2SA – i5 | Intel Core i5 3337U-1.8GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 180GB SSD, Intel HD 4000, Screen 11″ Wide LED Full HD, Windows 8 Professional | Rp 18,400,000 |
Lenovo Flex2-14-4457/4466/4482 | Core i5 4210U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Nvidia Geforce GT840 2GB, 14″ WXGA Touch Screen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8.1 | Rp 8,770,000 |
Lenovo Flex2-14-1986/1987/1988 | Core i5 4210U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, No Optical Drive, Nvidia Geforce GT840 2GB, 14″ Full HD IPS MULTI-TOUCH, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8.1 | Rp 9,380,000 |
Lenovo Flex 14-0834 | Core i5 4200U 1.6Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Nvidia Geforce GT 720M 2GB, 14″ WXGA Touch Screen, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 | Rp 8,500,000 |
Lenovo Flex 2861 | Core i5 4200U 1.6Ghz, 14″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, GT720M 2GB, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8.1 | Rp 8,530,000 |
Lenovo Yoga LID | Core i5 4210U, 12.5″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD + 16GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8.1 SL | Rp 14,250,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 1ID | Core i5 5200U, 12.5″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD + 16GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8.1 SL | Rp 15,250,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 0ID | Core i5 5200U, 12.5″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD + 16GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8.1 Pro | Rp 15,300,000 |
Lenovo Yoga SID | Core i5 4200U 1.6Ghz, 12.5″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD + 16GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8 | Rp 13,750,000 |
Lenovo Yoga QIF | Core i5 4200U 1.6Ghz, 12.5″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD + 16GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Wacom Digitizer Pen, Win 8 | Rp 17,100,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 500 8ID, 7ID, 6ID | Core i5 5200U 1.7Ghz, 14″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Nvidia Geforce 940M 2GB, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8 | Rp 9,790,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 500 | Core i5 5200U, 14″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Nvidia Geforce 940M 2GB, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 10 | Rp 9,889,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 500 7DID/CID/GID | Core i5 6200U, 14″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Nvidia Geforce 940M 2GB, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 10 | Rp 9,650,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 510 39ID/3AID | Core i5 7200U, 14″ FHD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 4GB, 1TB HDD, AMD Radeon R16M-M1-30 2GB, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 10 | Rp 9,850,000 |
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 370-01iD | Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, SSD 256GB, 13.3″ Touch, Intel HD Graphics, Win 10 | Rp 19,175,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 14 1ID | Intel Core i5 5200U, 14″ FHD LED, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 180GB SSD, nVidia Geforce 840M 2GB, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8.1 Pro | Rp 15,699,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 13 – 4402/4400 | Intel Core i5 3339Y 2.0Ghz, 11.6″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 8GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8 | Rp 11,375,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 13 – 9485/9486 | Intel Core i5 3337U-1.8Ghz, RAM 8GB, HDD 256GB SSD, VGA Intel HD 4000-729MB, Screen 13″ wide LED Multi Touch , Windows 8 | Rp 12,750,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 13 – 1800/1814 | Intel Core i5 3317U-1.7Ghz, RAM 4GB, HDD 128GB SSD, VGA Intel HD 4000-729MB, Screen 13″ wide LED Multi Touch , Windows 8 | Rp 11,680,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 11 – 4402/4400 | Intel Core i5 3339Y 2.0Ghz, 11.6″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 8GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8 | Rp 11,080,000 |
Lenovo G40-80-80E4 | Intel Core i5 5200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, VGA INTEL HD, DVDRW, BT, Windows 10 Home SL | Rp 6,500,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 YID, OID | Intel Core i5 5200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, VGA AMD 2GB, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 6,560,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 QID, AID | Intel Core i5 5200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, 14″, VGA AMD R5 M330 2GB, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 6,760,000 |
Lenovo G50-80 WID | Intel Core i5 5200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 15.6″, VGA AMD R5 M330 2GB, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 6,890,000 |
Lenovo U41-70 MID, KID, NID | Intel Core i5 5200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA AMD N16S-GT DDR3L 2G, BT, DOS | Rp 6,920,000 |
Lenovo G50-80 80E6 | Intel Core i5 5200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 15.6″, VGA AMD Radeon R5 M230 2GB, BT, DOS | Rp 6,480,000 |
Lenovo E40-80-5ID | Core i5 5200U 2.7Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M330 DDR3L 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 6,660,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-3CID | Core i5 5200U 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M230 DDR3L 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 6,730,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-2ID | Core i5 5200U 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M230 DDR3L 2GB, Camera, DOS | Rp 6,015,000 |
Lenovo B40-80-7DID | Core i5 5200U 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M230 DDR3L 2GB, Camera, Win 8.1 | Rp 6,870,000 |
Lenovo Z41-70 AID, CID | Intel Core i5-5200U, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, AMD Meso XT 2GB, Camera, 14″ WXGA, DOS | Rp 8,030,000 |
Lenovo G410-0016 | Core i5 4200M 2.5Ghz, 14.1″ WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, AMD Radeon HD 8570 2GB, Wifi, Camera, DOS | Rp 5,890,000 |
Lenovo K4450 2242 | Core i5 4200M 2.5Ghz, 14.1″ WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, NVIDIA GeForce GT730M 2GB, Wifi, Camera, Win 7 Pro / Win 8 | Rp 9,650,000 |
Lenovo K4450 4959 | Core i5 4210U 2.6Ghz, 14.1″ WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, NVIDIA GeForce GT730M 2GB, Wifi, Camera, DOS | Rp 7,920,000 |
Lenovo K4450 9760 | Core i5 4210U 2.6Ghz, 14.1″ WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, NVIDIA GeForce GT730M 2GB, Wifi, Camera, Win 7 Pro / Win 8 | Rp 9,750,000 |
Lenovo K2450 0839 | Core i5 4210U 2.5Ghz, 12.5″ WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, No DVDRW, Intel HD4400, Wifi, Camera, Win 7 Pro / Win 8 | Rp 10,350,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad X250 7ID | Core i5 5300U, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500GB + SSD 16GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, Camera, 12.5″ WXGA, Win 7 Pro | Rp 19,650,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad X260 8ID | Core i5 6200U, 4GB, HDD 500GB + SSD 8GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, No Optical Drive, Intel HD Graphic 520, Camera, 12.5″ FHD IPS, Win 10 Pro | Rp 20,500,000 |
Lenovo ThinkPad X270-07iD | Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 12.5″, Intel HD Graphics, Win 10 | Rp 24,350,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad 13-03ID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR4, SSD 256GB, Intel HD Graphic 520, Wifi, Bluetooth, FingerPrint, 13.3″ FHD, Win 10 Pro | Rp 12,200,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad 13-1ID | Intel Core i5-7200U, 8GB DDR4, SSD 256GB, Intel HD Graphic 520, Wifi, Bluetooth, FingerPrint, 13.3″ FHD, Win 10 Pro | Rp 13,500,000 |
Lenovo V310-2ID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 8GB DDR4, HDD 500GB, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2GB, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″, DOS | Rp 6,560,000 |
Lenovo V310-3NID | Intel Core i5-7200U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphic, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 6,350,000 |
Lenovo V310-0DID | Intel Core i5-7200U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2GB, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, No Card Reader, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 6,660,000 |
Lenovo V310-3PID | Intel Core i5-7200U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2GB, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 6,760,000 |
Lenovo V310-0BID | Intel Core i5-7200U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2GB, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, Win 10 | Rp 7,520,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad E31-BID | Intel Core i5-5200U, 4GB PC3-12800 DDR3L, HDD 500GB 5400RPM, Intel HD 4600 Graphics, No Optical Drive, 13.3 ” Led, Win 8 SL | Rp 8,500,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad E31-9RID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR3L, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 13.3″ HD, Win 10 | Rp 9,050,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad E31-WID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR3L, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 13.3″ HD, Win 10 Pro (Upgrade Win 7 Pro To Win 10 Pro) | Rp 11,000,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 260 0AID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR4, SSD 192GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 12.5″ HD, Win 10 | Rp 16,100,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 260 8ID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR4, SSD 256GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 12.5″ FHD Touchscreen, Win 10 | Rp 16,750,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 260 00ID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR4, SSD 192GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 12.5″ FHD Touchscreen, Win 10 Pro | Rp 18,600,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 260 7ID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR4, SSD 192GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 12.5″ HD IPS Touchscreen, Win 10 Pro | Rp 19,000,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad W550S-UID | Intel® Core™ i5-5300U(3M Cache , up to 2.7 GHz) , nVidia Quadro K260M 2GB / 4GB PC3-12800 DDR3L / 500GB7200RPM / Fingerprint / KYB US English / 15.6 FHD WW / WIN8.1 P64 DG WIN7P64 | Rp 26,300,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad X1-1CID Carbon Black (Touch Screen) | Intel Core i5-6200U, 8GB DDR3, 192GB SSD, Intel HD 4400, 14″ WQHD Multi Touch LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 10 Pro 64 | Rp 24,100,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad T450-1CID | Intel Core i5-5300U, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, Intel HD, 14″ HD LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 8 Pro 64 | Rp 18,650,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad T460-3LID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, No DVD, Intel HD Graphic 520, 14″ HD LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 10 Pro 64 | Rp 19,500,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad T460-18ID | Intel Core i5-6200U, 4GB DDR3L, 1TB HDD, No DVD, Intel HD Graphic 520, 14″ FHD LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 10 Pro 64 | Rp 21,500,000 |
Lenovo ThinkPad T460-09iD | Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 14″ FHD, Intel HD Graphics, Win 10 Pro | Rp 22,850,000 |
Lenovo Y40-80-NID/EID | Core i5 5200, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW Ext, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon R9 M275 4GB, Camera, Card Reader, 14″ HD LED, Win 8.1 | Rp 9,090,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-FIA | Intel Core i5 4300U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, AMD Radeon R7 M260 2GB, BT, DOS | Rp 7,320,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-EID | Intel Core i5 4300U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, AMD Radeon R7 M260 2GB, BT, Win 10 | Rp 8,080,000 |
Lenovo Edge E460-1IA | Intel Core i5 6200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, AMD Radeon R7 M260 2GB, BT, DOS | Rp 10,500,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-UIA | Intel Core i5 5200U,RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA Intel HD5500, BT, DOS | Rp 8,030,000 |
Lenovo Edge E460-0IA | Intel Core i5-6200U,RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, No DVD, 14″, VGA Intel HD5500, BT, DOS | Rp 9,050,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-VID | Intel Core i5 5200U,RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA Intel HD5500, BT, Win 7 Pro | Rp 9,590,000 |
Lenovo Edge E460-3ID | Intel Core i5-6200U,RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, No DVD, 14″, VGA Intel HD5500, BT, Win 7 Pro | Rp 10,900,000 |
Lenovo Edge E460-VIA | Intel Core i5-6200U,RAM 8GB, HDD 1TB, No DVD, 14″, VGA Intel HD520, BT, DOS | Rp 9,950,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-1ID | Intel Core i5 5200U,RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA Intel, BT, W7Pro ⁄ W8Pro | Rp 9,500,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-NIA | Intel Core i5 5200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA AMD 2GB, BT, DOS | Rp 8,480,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-WIA | Intel Core i5 5200U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA AMD 2GB, BT, DOS | Rp 8,870,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E470-LIA | Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphics 620, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14″ FHD, DOS | Rp 10,250,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E470-MID | Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphics 620, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14″ FHD, Windows 10 Pro | Rp 11,700,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E470-NIA | Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14″ FHD, DOS | Rp 11,300,000 |
Harga Laptop Lenovo Intel Core i7 Notebook | ||
Lenovo Miix 720-5UiD | Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 8GB DDR4, SSD 256GB, 12″ QHD, Intel HD Graphics, Win 10 Pro | Rp 18,750,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 110-14ISK I7 6498, 4GB DDR4 | Intel Core i7 6498, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, AMD R5 M430 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 7,300,000 |
Lenovo IP300S-D3ID/D4ID/D5ID | Intel Core i7 6500, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, DVDRW, AMD R5 M330 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 7,980,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad 310-15IKB | Intel Core i7 7500, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, DVDRW, NVIDIA® GeForce GT920MX, Screen 15.6″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 7,700,000 |
Lenovo IP500S-5VID/5WID/5YID | Intel Core i7 6500, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, Nvidia Geforce GT940 2GB, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 10,400,000 |
Lenovo IP500-5MID/5NID | Intel Core i7 6500, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R7 M360 2G, Screen 14″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 9,040,000 |
Lenovo IP500S-HCID/HDID | Intel Core i7 6500, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R7 M360 2G, Screen 15.6″ Wide LED, Win 10 | Rp 9,600,000 |
Lenovo IP510S-5UID/5RID/5TID | Intel Core i7 6500, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R7 M460 DDR3 2G, Screen 14″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 9,200,000 |
Lenovo IP700-9CID | Intel Core i7 6700HQ, RAM 8GB, HDD 1TB, Nvidia Geforce GTX950M 2GB, Screen 15.6″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 13,800,000 |
Lenovo IP710S-0NID/0PID | Intel Core i7 6500U, RAM 8GB DDR4, SSD 512GB, Nvidia Geforce GT940M 2GB, Screen 13.3″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 16,800,000 |
Lenovo IdeaPad 710s-2CID | Intel Core i7-7500U, RAM 8GB DDR4, 512GB SSD, Nvidia Geforce 940MX, 13.3″ FHD IPS, Win 10 | Rp 17,800,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad HELIX-5JA – i7 | Intel Core i7 3667U-2.0 GHz, RAM 8GB, HDD 256GB SSD, Intel HD 4000 , Screen 11″ Wide LED Full HD, Windows 8 Professional | Rp 23,000,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 700 BID, CID, DID | Intel Core I7-6500U, 4GB, SSD 256, No DVD, 14″ FHD Touch Screen, Nvidia Geforce 940M 2GB, WIFI, No LAN, Bluetooth, Win 10 | Rp 13,450,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 900 VID, WID, XID | Intel Core I7-6500U, 8GB, SSD 256GB, No DVD, Intel HD Graphic, 13.3″ QHD + IPS Touch Screen, Win 10 | Rp 17,950,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 900 QWID | Intel Core I7-6500U, 8GB, SSD 512GB, No DVD, Intel HD Graphic, 13.3″ QHD + IPS Touch Screen, Win 10 | Rp 20,200,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 910 0JID/0KID/0LID | Intel Core I7-7500U, 16GB, SSD 512GB, No DVD, Intel HD Graphic, 13.9″ FHD Touch Screen, Win 10 | Rp 21,400,000 |
Lenovo Yoga YID | Core i7 5500U, 12.5″ HD LED Touch Screen, Camera, 8GB DDR3, 1TB HDD + 16GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8.1 Pro | Rp 21,200,000 |
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 370-06iD | Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 8GB DDR4, SSD 512GB, 13.3″ Touch, Intel HD Graphics, Win 10 | Rp 23,450,000 |
Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga2 Pro – 9102/9107 | Intel Core™ i7-4510U / 2GHz, 8GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, VGA Integrated Graphics, WiFi, Bluetooth, Camera, HDMI, 13.3″ QHD+ IPS Touchscreen, Windows 8.1 | Rp 16,580,000 |
Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga2 Pro 13 – 0632/0646 | Intel Core i7 4500U -, RAM 8GB, HDD 256GB SSD, VGA Intel HD 4000-729MB, Screen 13″ wide LED Multi Rouch, Windows 8.1 | Rp 16,600,000 |
Lenovo Yoga X1 – 0PID | Intel Core i7 6600U, RAM 8GB, HDD 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 520, 14″ WQHD Touchscreen, Windows 10 | Rp 31,150,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 3 DID, CID, EID | Intel Core i7 5500U, 14″ Touch Full HD LED, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB SSHD, NVIDIA GeForce 940M DDR3L 2GB, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8.1 Pro | Rp 13,400,000 |
Lenovo Yoga 3 | Intel Core i7 5500U, 14″ Touch LED, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB SSHD, NVIDIA GeForce 940M DDR3L 2GB, No Optical Drive, Win 10 | Rp 13,590,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 14 MID | Intel Core i7 5500U, 14″ HD LED, Camera, 8GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, nVidia Geforce 840M 2GB, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 8.1 Pro | Rp 18,699,000 |
Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 13 – 9483/9484 | Intel Core i7 3537U-2.0Ghz, RAM 8GB, HDD 256GB SSD, VGA Intel HD 4000-729MB, Screen 13″ wide LED Multi Rouch, Windows 8 | Rp 13,730,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 MID, LID | Intel Core i7 5500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA AMD 2GB, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 7,870,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 CXID | Intel Core i7 5500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA AMD 2GB, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 8,080,000 |
Lenovo G40-80 JID, HID | Intel Core i7 5500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, Radeon™ R5-M330 DDR3L 2GB, DVDRW, BT, DOS | Rp 7,680,000 |
Lenovo G50-80 W8MJ | Intel Core i7 5500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 15.6″, VGA AMD Radeon R5 M230 2GB, BT, DOS | Rp 7,385,000 |
Lenovo U41-70 JID, PID, LID | Intel Core i7 5500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA AMD N16S-GT DDR3L 2G, BT, DOS | Rp 8,890,000 |
Lenovo Z40-70-8057/8723 | Intel Core i7-4510U, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, Nvidia GT840 4GB, Camera, 14″ WXGA, Win 8.1 | Rp 9,725,000 |
Lenovo Z40-70-6823 | Intel Core i7-4510U, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, Nvidia GT840 4GB, Camera, 14″ WXGA, Win 8.1 | Rp 9,690,000 |
Lenovo Z41-70 DID, BID | Intel Core i7-5500U, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, DVD±RW, Bluetooth, Nvidia GT840 4GB, Camera, 14″ WXGA, Win 8.1 | Rp 10,765,000 |
Lenovo K2450 2237 | Core i7 4500M 2.8Ghz, 12.5″ WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, No DVDRW, Intel HD4400, Wifi, Camera, Win 7 Pro / Win 8 | Rp 12,050,000 |
Lenovo K2450 9759 | Core i7 4510M 3.0Ghz, 12.5″ WXGA, 8GB DDR3, 500GB, No DVDRW, Intel HD4400, Wifi, Camera, Win 7 Pro / Win 8 | Rp 12,050,000 |
Lenovo K2450 9435 | Core i7 4510U 3.0Ghz, 12.5″ WXGA, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, No DVDRW, Intel HD4400, Wifi, Camera, Win 7 Pro / Win 8 | Rp 12,300,000 |
Lenovo M4180 04ID | Core i7 6500U, 14″ FHD, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, AMD R7 ME360 2GB, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, DOS | Rp 10,500,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad X250 8ID | Core i7 5600U, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500GB + SSD 16GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, Camera, 12.5″ WXGA, Win 7 Pro | Rp 22,250,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad X260 0ID | Core i7 6500U, 8GB, HDD 1TB, Wifi, Bluetooth, No Optical Drive, Intel HD Graphic 520, Camera, 12.5″ FHD IPS, Win 10 Pro | Rp 24,500,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad X260 FID | Core i7 6500U, 8GB, HDD 1TB, Wifi, Bluetooth, No Optical Drive, Intel HD Graphic 520, Camera, 12.5″ WXGA, Win 10 Pro | Rp 22,900,000 |
Lenovo ThinkPad X270-06iD | Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 12.5″, Intel HD Graphics, Win 10 | Rp 26,350,000 |
Lenovo ThinkPad 13-02iD | Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 8GB DDR4, SSD 512GB, 13.3″ FHD, Intel HD Graphics, Win 10 | Rp 16,335,000 |
Lenovo V310-6ID | Intel Core i7-6500U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2GB, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 8,900,000 |
Lenovo V310-3QID | Intel Core i7-7500U, 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, AMD Radeon R5 M430 2GB, Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 14″ HD, DOS | Rp 8,830,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad E31-X0ID | Intel Core i7-6500U, 8GB DDR3L, HDD 1TB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 13.3″ HD, Win 10 Pro (Upgrade Win 7 Pro To Win 10 Pro) | Rp 12,000,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 260 01ID | Intel Core i7-6500U, 8GB DDR4, SSD 192GB, Intel HD Graphics 520, No Optical Drive, Camera, FingerPrint, 12.5″ HD IPS Touchscreen, Win 10 Pro | Rp 22,350,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad W550S-VID | Intel® Core™ i7-5500U(4M Cache, up to 3.0 GHz) , nVidia Quadro K260M 2GB / 8GB PC3-12800 DDR3L / 1TB5400RPM / Fingerprint / KYB US English / 15.6 FHD WW / WIN8.1 P64 DG WIN7P64 | Rp 27,850,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad X1-KID Carbon Black (Touch Screen) | Intel Core i7-5600U, 8GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, Intel HD 4400, 14″ WQHD Multi Touch LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 8 Pro 64 | Rp 27,300,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad X1-1BID Carbon Black (Touch Screen) | Intel Core i7-6600U, 8GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, Intel HD 4400, 14″ WQHD Multi Touch LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 10 Pro 64 | Rp 27,550,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad T450-1BID | Intel Core i7-5500U, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 16GB SSD, Nvidia N15S-GM, 14″ HD LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 8 Pro 64 | Rp 20,600,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad T460-1WID | Intel Core i7-6500U, 8GB DDR3L, 1TB HDD, No DVD, Intel HD Graphics 520, 14″ HD LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 10 Pro 64 | Rp 21,450,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad T460-17ID | Intel Core i7-6500U, 8GB DDR3L, 1TB HDD, No DVD, Nvidia N16S-GTR 2GB, 14″ FHD LED, Win 7 Pro 64 + Rec DVD Win 10 Pro 64 | Rp 22,500,000 |
Lenovo Y40-80-3EID | Core i7 5500U, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon R9 M275 4GB, Camera, Card Reader, 14″ HD LED, Win 8.1 | Rp 13,800,000 |
Lenovo Legion Y520-24iD | Intel Core i7 7700HQ, RAM 8GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, 15.6″ FHD IPS, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4 GB GDDR5, Win 10 Home | Rp 15,675,000 |
Lenovo Y50-70-7993 | Core i7 4710HQ, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GTX860M 4GB, Camera, Card Reader, 15.6″ HD LED, Win 8.1 | Rp 12,500,000 |
Lenovo Y70-70-20ID | Core i7 4710HQ, 16GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GTX860M 4GB, Camera, Card Reader, 17.3″ FHD Touch, Win 8.1 | Rp 19,449,000 |
Lenovo Y700-7JID | Core i7 6700HQ, 16GB, 1TB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M 4GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, 15.6″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 15,850,000 |
Lenovo Y700-28ID | Core i7 6700HQ, 16GB, 1TB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M 4GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, 17.3″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 20,100,000 |
Lenovo Y900-5CID | Core i7 6820HK, 32GB, 1TB HDD + SSD 256GB x2, Nvidia GeForce GTX 980M 8GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, 17.3″ FHD, Win 10 | Rp 33,999,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-RIA | Intel Core i7 5500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA AMD 2GB, BT, DOS | Rp 10,300,000 |
Lenovo Edge E460-2IA | Intel Core i7-6500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, No DVD, 14″, AMD Radeon™ R7 M360 Graphics 2GB, BT, DOS | Rp 11,900,000 |
Lenovo Edge E450-PID | Intel Core i7 5500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, 14″, VGA AMD 2GB, BT, W7Pro ⁄ W8Pro | Rp 12,350,000 |
Lenovo Edge E460-4ID | Intel Core i7-6500U, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, No DVD, 14″, AMD Radeon™ R7 M360 Graphics 2GB, BT, W7Pro ⁄ W8Pro | Rp 13,130,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E470-WIA | Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14″ FHD, DOS | Rp 12,800,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E470-PID | Intel Core i7 7500U, RAM 4GB DDR4, HDD 1TB, nVidia Geforce GT940MX 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14″ FHD, Windows 10 Home | Rp 14,400,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad E530-1N9 | Intel Core i7 3632QM-2.2GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, DVD/RW, VGA nVidia GT635M-2GB , Screen 15″ Wide LED, DOS | Rp 10,130,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E540-C00 | Core i7 4702QM 2.2Ghz, 15.6″ WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, Nvidia Geforce GT740M 2GB, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, DOS | Rp 11,700,000 |
Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E540-W00 | Core i7 4712QM 2.2Ghz, 15.6″ WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, Nvidia Geforce GT740M 2GB, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, DOS | Rp 11,200,000 |
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